Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Mass Illusion of Gender

Something I'm sure I was massively disliked for on the asexuality community was the acknowledgment that gender is simply a concept and a social construct at best. Gender in short is what people perceive that the sexes "should" look and act like via stereotypical archetypes based on sex. People see gender as a form of self expression but what they don't realize is that they are putting themselves into archaic and sexist boxes. Everyone says "I hate labels" yet when it comes to gender people are even proud to say that they are male or female. There have been new gender labels that have arisen over the years that challenge the idea that there are only 2 genders. On the one hand this is great that people can identify as androgynous or neutrois etc. but on the other hand it further divides us. As long as there are words for differentiation there will be hate for them and the more wide spread the ideas are the more hate will gather. For example, I have a slight prejudice against blue eyed people but there is no hate group for people of various eye colors because there is not a word for it. Blematiphobia is a word I just made up for it with Greek root words. Ble means blue, mati means eyes and phobia means fear. Now if that ever caught on as a word you would see hate groups arising because they have a common word to gather under just as there are hate groups against men, women, masculinity, femininity, races, sexual orientations, religions and so on. Not that I want that to happen, I'm just pointing out the facts.

Getting back to gender, the reason that gender is ultimately a bad thing is simply as I said before, they're based on archaic sexist stereotypes and roles. It's because of gender that a man is seen as less of a man when he wears make up. With sex, there's no denying what a person is because there's empirical proof of their sex. There is no empirical proof of gender. The closest you can find is brain MRI's that say there's a vague correlation between various brain structures and gender identity. This by no means is conclusive proof that gender is purely genetic rather than environmental. Even if "gender" were genetic what does that say about gender roles and stereotypes? Does that mean that everyone must play the role of their gender? I vehemently disagree. I think that people should be allowed to take on whatever roles they please regardless of gender but Nooooooo people MUST be confined by old fashioned gender roles and stereotypes!

The problem is that people have no sense of identity so they just take on whatever identities they can take from society. It's monkey see monkey do. People simply aren't creative enough with their own lives to have personalities that are distinct. They feel they have to "fit in" with society by taking on roles they see others doing. It's purely for assimilation purposes.

In case you people haven't noticed, things are becoming more and more androgynous socially. Maybe in a few hundred years gender roles and stereotypes won't exist. Then gender would only be about wanting a biological change and you'd be seen the same way that people see certain furries today. Some furries want to live in an animal body despite the fact that they're human. Transgender people want to live in the opposite sexes' body despite the fact they were born their own sex.  I think that taking the best from both sexes and making them into one androgynous norm would be the best solution rather than having 2 absurd binary options that force people into bringing out the worst in themselves.

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