Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Mission Impossible

Do you ever feel like it's impossible to get a point across to someone because they are just SO dumb or have such a flawed view of reality that you cannot possibly even communicate with them? I experienced this yesterday with an exgirlfriend of my current partner. I have no ill will toward her for dating my partner or in general but she just seems entirely delusional about reality. I was trying to explain the fact that gender is a social construct and therefore not real by using Santa Clause as an analogy for something that people believe in but isn't real. Boy was that a mistake. She claimed that Santa was only not real because people believed he wasn't real but would actually be real if people never learned that he isn't. That makes no distinction between reality and fantasy. She went on to say that there is a kid who she works with who sees ghosts as schizophrenic hallucinations. She doesn't want to tell the kid that the ghosts aren't real because it would be "disrespecting their reality". So she sees this kid's schizophrenic hallucinations as equally as real as her own perception of reality by her own words. That's INSANE! And when I said "don't you think you're being a little dishonest in validating something that you know to be untrue?" she said "well it might not be true to me but it's true to them" and when pressed further she said she wasn't being dishonest but rather "empathetic". When will the madness end?!

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