Whenever I'm looking for someone to date there are of course obvious red flags like if the person says that they're looking for casual sex or awful spelling and grammar or no photos but I'm talking about the possibly less obvious red flags.
1.) I'm a "gamer"
While being a gamer isn't necessarily an inherently bad thing, I feel that identifying yourself by it means that you're a little obsessive about it. No one would say I'm a "shoe tier" unless they were obsessive about tying shoes. To me when I see that someone is obsessive about gaming that means 1 thing to me. Less attention. I can just imagine myself huddled in the corner alone while the person I adore just sits at a computer monitor all day playing World of Warcraft neglecting my emotional needs.
2.) I'm "laid back"
What does that even mean? I've seen soooo many people say that they're laid back but then they often go on in the next sentence or paragraph to talk about how they have all these neurotic and aggressive tendencies. It's more like "I'm laid back when I get my way".
3.) Lack of details
I don't want a huge essay on the person but whenever their self summary consist of "I'm awesome" and nothing more I've got to say they don't seem very awesome to me. I think there's a happy medium of information to be put out there. If it's super long then no one is going to take the time to read it. At the same time if you don't put effort into your profile why should I put effort into talking to you? Furthermore, what should make me think that you'll put effort into anything else if you're that lazy when it comes to finding the love of your life? This goes for mail messages as well. I'm not likely to answer people who don't suit my taste but if I do think you're good looking and you send me a meaningless generic message that doesn't say much I'll be less likely to answer. I admit that I'm somewhat guilty of sending short messages but at least I try to incorporate something as a common interests and a request to chat in more depth at a later time.
4.) Materialism and shallowness
On okcupid in particular there's a section called "six things I could never do without" and typically people just write mundane every day things like "air, water, food" and that's horribly boring. Some people instead say something slightly more meaningful but still very dull such as "my toothbrush, my sneakers, the internet" but come on, this is supposed to reveal your character! Maybe it does. Maybe some people are just very shallow and mundane. I personally enjoy lists that are more ideological like "truth, justice, equality" and so forth. If it has to be something material then couldn't it at least be something more interesting like "my copy of Plato's The Republic"?
5.) Pop culture references and memes
Nothing will make you come off as more of an obnoxious jerk than referencing memes. Oh, you don't understand the mudkips comment? LOL you must be such a loser. I need someone who's so immersed in internet pop culture that they get all my jokes that I don't even know the story behind. I'm far too cool to come up with something original so I'll just take other people's ideas and pretend that I'm funny.
That and zombie references. It's so cliche that it's not even cool in the ironic way. Remember back when The Dark Knight first came out and EVERYONE had photos of themselves up with their faces painted like the Joker? Yeah that would be you. Another sheeple following pop culture to piggyback on it's popularity.
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