While I know what it's like to be abused I think that a lot of people out there like to make themselves out to be victims when they're not. Their lives could be perfectly happy but they can take something like racism or sexism and make it a personal problem regardless of never having directly experienced it. These people seem eager to label themselves as victims and have a personal sense of retribution due. Why would they do that? Most probably because they were brought up in a prejudiced environment. One girl in particular comes to mind. She claims that she's half black and so she seems to be a bit conflicted. On the one hand she hates white people but on the other she has inherited white guilt. Neither of these are acceptable. Hating people based on their race is awful no matter what race or races you happen to be. It's prejudice pure and simple and it's wrong. Hating people based on their sex is wrong too. I don't care what the statistics are for rape and violence, it's wrong to say that all men are equally guilty of "oppressing" women. I believe another reason that people like to play the victim game is so that they can have a sense of self-righteousness about their hatred and bigotry. A "holier than thou" thing.
What pisses me off even more is the idea of privilege. While I know that white men for example may have higher chances for "success" in life simply because of the mindset of the masses I don't agree with it. I don't think that racial or sexual privileges should exist. Yet you see people pushing for privilege who are minorities too. They think that just because they're minorities they should get special rules made just for them such as "equal opportunity" for school enrollment and jobs despite the fact that they may not be the most qualified candidate. Ideally companies and schools should be monitored as to how qualified the applicants are and the most qualified applicants get the placement.
Going further it annoys me that many people who claim victimhood will get utterly pissed when you point out what advantages they have because it crumbles their facade. Women for example can manipulate men easily with the mere hint of sex, but this statement is forbidden. Women are only to be seen as helpless, brainless victims. To say that they have any sense of autonomy would be blasphemous. To suggest that women are intelligent and even crafty enough to make the system work to their own desires is heresy. Do I know that women have had the short end of the stick in some cases? Sure, but they're not all brainwashed into subservience. Many like being submissive sexually and socially because they know that if they do they can control the man in their life however they want. It's a sly contract that's unspoken. Sure, there are men who don't give a fuck about what the woman in their life thinks but for the most part those types of men are sociopaths. Normal men want love and acceptance like any other human being and so they're willing to do what it takes to keep the woman in their life happy. If every man were a total abusive asshole and women were simply being victimized I'm sure there would be far more cases of women killing men. The legend of the Amazonian women might even have come to pass, but it never did because for the most part women liked the status quo of being puppet masters to the men.
This isn't to say that feminism has no upsides. I'm sure it has made the lives of many women much better for those who had more dominant personalities, but simple observation reveals that most women, indeed most people in general don't want to be dominant. Most people are sheep by nature. I'm all for the elimination of sex based social roles but let's be frank here, many people enjoy them.
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