Ideal Government
- No killing of anything other than plants, bacteria, viruses and insects. (but assisted suicide is allowed)
- Comprehensive sex education, free access to birth control including BC pills, condoms, morning after and plan B pills.
- Free basic level housing (3 bedrooms 2 baths, max). More extravagant housing will cost you out of your own pocket.
- Free basic food allowances. Extra food for parties or whatever would be out of your own pocket.
- Free public transportation 24/7.
- Free unlimited phone and internet access.
- Free public education, including college.
- All food must be organic and safe.
- All people over 18 have can marry anyone who consents who is also a human over 18. (so that includes gays, lesbians, trans, intersex, polygamy etc)
- Guns are allowed if you pass a psychological exam and a safety course. No gifting of guns. All guns must be registered. If someone is convicted of a crime using a gun, their gun rights are taken away and they are sent to prison. The only time killing someone with a gun is legal is if it's self defense, even if that defense is against the government.
- Presenting false information on public media (radio, television) is punishable with fines and/or occupational termination and the false statements must be recalled.
- Prison should provide mandatory therapy for all prisoners.
- Prisoners should be required to do supervised community service tasks. (such as cleaning up the highways)
- All people must work at least 16 hours per week (two 8 hour days) unless they are unable due to being handicapped in some way.
- People who do not work and are not handicapped at all must join the military.
- Marijuana and all drugs are legal to buy, sell and use on yourself. Using drugs on other people without their consent is punishable by prison.
- Being paid for doing work without paying taxes on it is punishable by prison.
- "Anchor Babies" must live with their parents in their country until they are 18, then they can legally be citizens of the country they were born. Otherwise they can live in this country with a foster family.
- Refusing to learn the language of the country you attempt to gain citizenship in does not count as a "disability".
- No preferences or laws are allowed in regards to race, sex, gender, orientation, ethnicity etc. All people are to be treated equally.
- All wiretaps require probable cause and a warrant.
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